Properties and Effects of Vitamin D3 2.000 IU
Vitamin D3 is recommended for: prophylaxis of rickets and osteomalacia caused by vitamin deficiency. Also, it is used for prevention of diseases caused by a Vitamin D3 deficiency, normal function of the immune system, normal muscular function and healthy growth and development in children. In adults, Vitamin D deficiency is manifested as loss of appetite and weight, sleeping disorders and diarrhea. Heavier deficiency causes osteomalacia and muscle spasms. Bones become soft, brittle and painful as a result of decreased calcium in them. In children, vitamin D deficiency causes rachitic rickets.
Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency:
- Inadequate exposure to sunlight (air pollution blocking UV rays that are needed for the production of vitamin D)
- Vegan – due to diet without dairy products
- Elderly – due to reduced ability to synthesize vitamin D3
- Premature babies
- People with liver and kidney diseases
- Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative effect on the absorption and storage of vitamin D
- Decreased ability to absorb vitamin D taken orally, may be due to cystic fibrosis or removed parts of the digestive system.
- Another group of people in need of higher doses of vitamin D than the average, are those who have had surgery, major injuries or burns.
- Increased stress and chronic diseases also require higher doses of vitamin D.
- Vitamin D supplements are necessary in people who takes certain type of drugs such as anticonvulsants, corticosteroids or cholestyramine. This means that patients who are treated for arthritis, asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, high cholesterol and epilepsy should consult a doctor before taking Vitamin D supplements.
Benefits of using Vitamin D3:
- Vitamin D is required for the prevention of osteomalacia and together with calcium participate in creating a higher mineral density which reduces the risk of fractures and falls.
- Vitamin D contributes to normal concentration of calcium in the blood and maintain healthy teeth.
- Vitamin D is needed for normal growth and development of bones in children.
- Vitamin D is necessary for normal functioning of the parathyroid hormones.
- Vitamin D is important for the healthy muscles, because it supports muscle function, muscle strength and balance.
- Vitamin D supports the immune system.